The Forbidden Experiment
13 November 2008
The Forbidden Experiment is the main point of the story, describing how does a person being isolated learn the basic needs without being taught. The Critical Period Hypothesis has been proved as a theory. They say your brain as a kid, is like a sponge. As you develop and hit puberty this is when your brain cannot absorb much from when you were a younger child. It is easier to learn a language when you are a child, you memorize the words, not focusing on what they mean much. With sign language it is a totally different meaning. Some people are better learning with their hands than speaking, some say it is easier to learn. Because Katie had been isolated from the world, it would have been better if she just focused on using her hands to communicate with people. It seemed that she could learn sign language faster than she could ever learn to speak words. With sign language she seemed much easier to understand than speaking, this would keep her and anybody with her not as frustrated. Was Katie mentally challenged from her being isolated and having limited to no socialization, or from birth? The doctors had said she was mentally challenged from when she was an infant, but having no contact with people could have caused retardation.
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