Review of W.

W. (I) (2008)
Pretty Boring
9 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers

Starring: Josh Brolin, James Cromwell, Elizabeth Banks, Thandie Newton, Jeffrey Wright, Richard Dreyfuss, Ioan Gruffudd, Jason Ritter, Jesse Bradford and Rob Corddry

Genre: Biography/Drama

Rated: PG-13

Honestly, I don't know why I'm giving this movie a review but I feel that I might as well do review it anyway. Basically the movie is of course about George Walker Bush's (Josh Brolin) life and career. The only reason I saw this movie is because I thought it would be sort of interesting even though I hate George Bush with the freaking passion and because I wanted to see how Oliver Stone put this movie in prospective. Plus I also heard not only was this movie supposed to be serious but also a dark comedy, but when I watched the movie they took the movie to seriously and didn't see anything funny about it and not even the audience was laughing. The only funny things that are funny about George Bush is when comedians are making fun of him in sketch comedy TV shows. Now the casting for the movie was passable, Josh Brolin did a good job as George Bush and Richard Dreyfuss did an alright Dick Cheney but Robert Duvall I think would have a better Dick Cheney. The main reason why I found this movie boring is because Oliver Stone has this habit with biography movies where he'll start off with a further event, then go back to a past event, then back to a further event, then a past event and well you get the idea. What I'm trying to say is that Oliver Stone didn't put the events in chronological order like every other biography movies. Also felt that Oliver Stone made this movie too soon since Bush was still in office. If Oliver Stone is going to make anymore movies about certain people or certain events he needs to wait for few years to where it's not too soon and putting the events in chronological order! I will say this though, I did like the part where it showed George Bush Sr (James Cromwell) lose to Bill Clinton in one of the past flashback scenes but I say that because Bill Clinton was the last good president and that I vote democrat most of the time. Overall, boring and Oliver Stone really needs to take a break from making movies about certain events (like "World Trade Center") and certain people (like this movie) because he keeps making them soon for their time and if he wants to win an Oscar for movies like this he must wait.
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