Unaccomplished remake, a waste of Connely's talent and time.
12 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Jennifer Connely, Keanu Reeves and young Jaden Smith (son of Will) head up the cast for this remake of the 1951 sci-fi classic where an extra-terrestrial robot visits Earth to turn the human race away from their own annihilation, warning them that the continuation of their warfare will instigate it. Much like other highly applauded films inspired by politics ('The Manchurian Candidate' for instance) the relevancy and strong message procure half the artistic value. Back then, the crisis was named Cold War. Now, it's called Global Warming.

Unlike 'The Manchurian Candidate's' remake, this one doesn't work very well. If I say 'The War of The Worlds' by Spielberg outclasses TDWESS, some alarm bells should be ringing. While Connely occasionally lifts up the level, the internal logic of the story annoys. The fact that Klaatu only reveals it's true purpose (saving 'earth' from mankind) late in the movie can only stem from shortage of plot. Which makes the abrupt and unfulfilling ending even more bizarre and laughable. On one hand you have enough time to stretch Klaatu and Connely's character's interactions with an unnecessary road trip, on the other hand the storyline's ending is sloppy. The last scenes are supposed to be the most engrossing but left us only shrugging our shoulders. Other elements that should have everyone scratching their heads...an underpass is hardly enough protection against a storm of death. It doesn't help either that the supposed strong suit (and the only praise I read about it as of yet), the CGI makes the robot a rather laughable stick figure instead of a terrifying, indestructible alien.

Countering those major flaws are a masterfully acted cameo by John Cleese as a Nobelprize winning scientist and the occasionally conveying all the world's worries, eyes of Jennifer Connely. Good remakes are few and far between. Especially compared to 'I Am Legend', that other recent Apocalyptic recreation of a Classic, it comes out looking poorly.

4/10, and I'm really not being too harsh.
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