Review of Jem

Jem (1985–1988)
Cocaine does things to you.
10 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy, Jem. Part of me wants to go easy on this show, because, after all, it's just an eighties cartoon, designed to sell toys, so story is secondary. Still, it irks me in a way most poor kid's cartoons from that era don't. There are a few certain things that really get under my skin.

The concept is simple enough; a record mogul and philanthropist dies and his daughter Jerrica tries to find a way to save his home for young girls (... yeah.) She decides to start a band with her friends, and tries to take this to one of his second in command, but for some reason he is evil now and decides INSTEAD to sign a new band that he conveniently found; the misfits, who essentially look like Cinderella's step family if they were assaulted by a mob of ganguros. This leaves Jerrica no choice to start the band on her own, only she uses the magical technology Synergy to become Jem for... some reason. Now, actually, one of the better parts of this show are some surprisingly catchy music videos. Every now and then (i.e, at least 3 times in an episode) there is a Pink Elephants (dancing about in some disconnected dreamspace) style musical number that talks about one of the major themes of the episode. These are really quite fun if you are amused by 80s pop like myself. Unfortunately, the rest of the show is sorely lacking. I've never really understood the motivation behind Jerrica insisting that no one at all know the true identity of Jem. Even Rio, the purple hair ditz of a manager doesn't know, and she had the stupidity to flirt with him AS Jem. Way to go, girl. Another thing that irks me is that every single episode focuses around their dealings with the Misfits. Now, sure, other shows have had central villains that have been challenged every episode, but these are actually ACTION SHOWS. To have a show about a friggin girl band always butt heads with another girl band just gets kind of old; are there no other conflicts they could get into? It doesn't help that the misfits are some of the WORST VILLAINS EVER. Again, it seems like the writers thought they were going to be doing GI Joe or something only to learn that this a girl's show, so they change everything except one thing: the antagonists are pure, dangerous evil. Every episode centers around the Misfits looking for more publicity or trying to ruin Jem and the Holograms. The thing is, Eric and Pizzaz do not care AT ALL how they do this, so more often than not their schemes involve them breaking something we in the real world call THE LAW. They're constantly trespassing, breaking into concerts, interviews, etc. They steal property, they commit sabotage and vandalism. Worse yet, they have, on occasion, KIDNAPPED either members of the Holograms or their hangers on. Hello? Excuse me?! KIDNAPPING IS A SERIOUS THING. You DON'T go around kidnapping people because you want a boost in record sales! Morrisey and Robert Smith hate each other, but the Smith's have never tried to lock the drummer from the Cure into an AIRTIGHT TRUNK and LEFT HIM THERE for an entire concert! Not only does it seem they don't realize or care what they do, Jerrica never once does the smart thing and-- say-- presses charges against them!

Jem is just another product of the eighties, but I will give it this... it's totally outrageous, but in a BAD, BAD way.
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