Mixed Company (1974)
"Yours, Mine, and Everyones?"
17 February 2009
The writer of "Yours, Mine, and Hours" came back to the well with this vaguely similar plot line....but to dismiss this charming, genuine, and very heartfelt little sleeper as a mere retread is to risk missing some big laughs, some great performances, and many deftly wrung tears.

Story of a coach's wife who finds herself drawn to the hobby of collecting "unwanted" kids could have come across as sentimental drivel. This low budget gem instead draws upon the grit of 1974 and brings it's characters to full life with a raw intensity that is all but unheard of today....

The sublime Rush and Bologna may come off a bit broad at first...and the no frills cinematography may give the early scenes a TV sitcom vibe...but stick around until the three orphans begin working their magic on their prospective parents...(and your own heartstrings).

These are damage, scarred kids...and their baggage is displayed in unflinching detail which looks quite shocking now (almost as surprising as the film's flashes of nudity...try and see an uncut print if you can find one).

To my view this film deserves to be a family favorite even more than the original "Yours Mine and ours" ...and I would also it deserved to be remade...if I thought there was a small chance Of modern Hollywood recapturing it's honesty and heart!
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