Alllriiighty Then? Not Exactly...
19 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Before i get into judging the movie i think i should expand a little on the story.

So Ace Jr. lives with his mom (Melissa from 'Ace Ventura: Pet Detective) in Orlando, Florida. Melissa works in Gatorland Zoo where Ace Jr. helps out sometimes, often trying to find runaway critters, Ace begins acting more and more like his father, who, according to Melissa, went missing (SPOILERS AHEAD) on a case flying geese back to Miami but flew into the Bermuda triangle and was never to be seen again.

After Melissa is wrongly arrested for stealing a baby panda, Ace Jr's grandfather takes care of him while Melissa is on her way to jail. Grandpa tells Ace who he really is...a PET DETECTIVE! And this actually takes half the film for his to work it out... Of course it all ends happily ever after when Ace finds the real animal-napper.

Now, i am a huge Ace Ventura fan and when watching the movie i had to keep in mind that this is a kids flick. And being that, this movie squeezed everything it could possibly get out of the concept of a kid pet detective (which isn't a lot).

But the awful panda puppets and Ace Ventura impressions let it down a lot... why not just make an Ace Ventura 3 with Ace Ventura? Josh Flitter did do a decent job and his take on Ace wasn't exactly a copy of Jim Carrey (it was no where near in fact) but thats what he was going for i hear.

Overall, i can see why it didn't make it to theaters because it was poorly made, for $7,000,000 i could have made a better film but still it was a kids film and hardcore Ace fans will most likely not like this (if you didn't like Son of The Mask or Dumb and Dumberer the you wont), but i think this tops Son of The Mask by the slightest bit.

Personally, i think kids will love it but adults not so much especially Ace Ventura fans like me.
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