Why ask why?
2 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Why was this even attempted? Why did someone think this was a good idea? Why did Art Lafleur waste his time by being in this fluffy kiddie dross? Why is it that the same director that gave us the fantastic The Sandlot couldn't give us a better movie than this? Why is it that the screenwriters for this unfunny cornball dreck think that humor that wouldn't appeal to kids that have heard those same jokes 100 times before would appeal to them now? Why is the main star of the movie(Josh Flitter) only goal is to ape Jim Carrey's character of the original Ace Ventura movies? Why are all of Josh Flitter's screen-mugging antics in vain? Why did they think that him being the son of Ace Ventura was supposed to make us care about his character? Why couldn't the writers of this movie come up with better plot than one that involves the title star trying to free his mom from jail from a case involving a missing panda? Why does all the slapstick and lame gags(farting animals and stupid pratfalls) fall flatter than Suge Knight after one punch? Why is it that the only people that would find this stale movie funny and good are the same deranged people that though that Superbabies, Ed, Master Of Disguise and Baby Geniuses were good movies? Why cant a movie of this type appeal to all ages(like better family movies in the past have done)instead of just kids? Why cant money be spent on better movie ideas than laugh-free bile like this? Why ask why?

You get the drift. Canned acting by all and corny brain-rotting jokes and gags written by morons that assume that all kids must be morons. Here's a joke: What do you get when you cross a rhesus monkey with Reese's Pieces? A Rhesus Pieces monkey! That stupid and cheesy joke best describes the humor in this movie. So if you found that joke funny you'll love this film. If not then stay far away. Do not let these greedy Follywood executives have the last laugh or the jokes on you... literally. HEE HEE HEE, HAW HAW HAW, HARDY HAR HAR!!!
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