Review of Bad Biology

Bad Biology (2008)
A Real Disappointment
4 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As much as I enjoyed "Basket Case" and "Frankenhooker," I thought "Bad Biology" was a disappointing mess. It seemed to be working very hard at attempting to shock, but just came across as crude and poorly thought out instead. The lead actress overacts ridiculously and a great deal of the movie didn't make sense to me... (possible minor spoilers ahead) as an example, how does a man's penis disengage itself from his body in order to attempt to terrorize/rape unsuspecting women? The prop itself looked ridiculously fake and unreal, like something out of a bad fifties or sixties horror flick, and maybe that was intended; but in this day and age of CGI, it's just not campy enough to work anymore. I was even able to spot a shot that had some jumpy stop-animation as it crawled across the floor. On the plus side, the lighting and cinematography were beautifully done; but the plot itself seemed so convoluted and unsure of where it was going that it ruined the film. I'm sure a lot of viewers will find this movie reminds them of "Teeth..." the difference between a great picture like that one and "BB" is a well-thought out script and some fabulous acting from a good-looking actress.
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