Juke Girl (1942)
Great cast in a good story, well directed
5 March 2009
Randy D wrote an excellent review, saying just about everything that needed saying.

But I want to add a note about Betty Brewer. First, what a personality! Her life seems to have been tragic. Details are shrouded in some mystery, but whenever she pops up in a film, if she doesn't steal the whole movie, she at least sure steals the scenes she's in.

That's why I wish she had made more, and I wish she had stayed active into her adulthood.

The other actors in this enjoyable film mostly did very well for themselves, and for us.

The Reagan-Sheridan team always works magic; Richard Whorf is another of those actors who should have attained more "household-name" status, but he stayed busy in films and television a long time, including directing, apparently right up until his untimely death.

There was a long list of great Warner Brothers actors, including Alan Hale, and others, such as Willie Best, who might not be known as of a particular studio.

Howard da Silva played a bad guy, and every time I see him, I just marvel at his range. His Benjamin Franklin in the movie "1776" was just about perfect.

Ronald Reagan doesn't get much of a break from critics, but in "Juke Girl" he was great. He looked good and his acting was right on.

Ann Sheridan probably could do no wrong.

Together, the actors and the story -- although some of the dialog could have used some work -- create a very good movie.
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