The Black Hole (1979)
8 March 2009
Rating: 4 out of 5

Genre: Science Fiction, Walt Disney, Spaceships

Director: Gary Nelson

Stars: Maximilian Schell, Anthony Perkins, Robert Forster, Joseph Bottoms, Yvette Mimieux, Ernest Borgnine, Tom McLoughlin, Roddy McDowall, Slim Pickens

Synopsis: The year is 2130 and the space exploration vessel USS Palomino is out in space investigating a black hole. While searching the area they come across another ship in orbit impossibly close to the massive force of the universe. Upon closer inspection they find out that it's the lost USS Cygnus, a vessel though destroyed some years before. The Palomino crew boards the ship and finds the sole survivor Reinhardt (Schell) and a ship of robots. They must get to the bottom of the situation and survive the perils of the most perilous celestial phenomena known to man.

Thoughts: Sensing a good thing in the wake of 1977's "Star Wars", Walt Disney's outfit decided to mine outer space for some material. Although it did no where near the type of box office success Lucas' film did. Still "The Black Hole" manages to be a fun family popcorn flick with a solid cast and decent special effects for the time.

In Conclusion: "The Black Hole" is a childhood favorite and a good time for the whole family.
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