17 Again (2009)
It Didn't Make Me Throw Up
17 April 2009
I don't think it should be any surprise that this movie is merely a quick vehicle to get Zac Ephron in a movie and making money as fast as possible before, god forbid, he becomes a flash in the pan. If you have seen a trailer for the film then you've pretty darn near seen the film aside from the juicy bits that all the tween girls in America are frothing to see.

Basically this is about a guy named Mike O'Donnell (Mathew Perry) who is having a rough time in his life. His wife is wanting a divorce, his kids are remote at best, he didn't get the big office promotion and let's just say his life has been going down the drain since his life at 17 when he was the big basketball star. And, let's cue the body swap movie.

In order to get us, the audience, where we need to be which is watching Zac play out this 17 again life while maintaining his middle aged knowledge, Mike (Perry) falls into a Twilight Zone type of vortex where the switch happens. Switch? Instead of being 17 again he should have asked to go back in time 20 years. Think of movies like Big (in reverse) or Freaky Friday, only in a good way. Perhaps Like Father, Like Son comes to mind. Maybe even a dash of It's A Wonderful Life is even thrown in.

Whatever movies you think of, and there are plenty to think of here, writer Jason FIlardi is responsible for the premise being rammed down our throat. I use the word writer loosely as do I also the word responsible. Filardi has brought us Drum and Bringing Down The House. As for responsible, well that should go to the executives that were determined on creating a Zac Efron project rather than looking for a project for Zac Efron.

The real question was why I was even attending a screening of this movie. Well, I have a just turned teen daughter who had to see this trifle so when the passes came up I had to take them. In attendance was also another 100 teenage girls sans boyfriends. Just as contrived as the movie itself is shirtless Zac, who when he took off his T-shirt, my hearing failed from the squeals that only teenage girls can make. And why does he have to play basketball again!!

I can tell you that this is harmless entertainment. We've seen actors stoop much lower than this though I can't tell you how we ended up with Matthew Perry cast as adult Efrom. I also can't tell you why we need to have Brian Doyle Murray as the janitor that just happens to have the magical ability to make vortexes appear at his whim. Seems like he could do better than the janitor gig.

Overall, I didn't throw up. I actually found a couple of the scenes funny and fresh. There was a lot that I didn't like that with a little work could have been made much better, but Hollywood is lazy that way and if they don't have to do the work, they won't.
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