Martyrs (2008)
Striking? Yes. Overrated? Also.
19 April 2009
Contemporary french horror seems to work like this: let's rip off some already overused American horror-cliché, add some twist, some surreal, and interesting details, and make the whole this violent as hell.

The story basically about a girl who accidentally gets captured by a secret society, which tortures people. Pretty much like Hostel, yes.

So what about the twists? There are some, indeed. This secret society has a strict reason behind it's activity, and it's not about just feeding the perverted senses of the sadist members. I wont tell you that reason, but is shakes up the plot a bit, which is unfortunately still paper-thin. The characters are flat (though the casting is great. The child actors really resemble the adults who they supposed to grow up to be), the story insists, that there is some kind of character-development (and spirituality), but i really don't feel it. the whole "endgame", if i may call it that way, is a bit rushed, i just doesn't seem very believable. And since this film is not a B-movie (it is indeed very well made), and we're not in the 80's anymore, I'd like to see a bit more over-thought details in the story also. The whole movie is VERY serious from beginning to end, and this requires a more coherent, and immersing plot.

What's with the original details? All the little things that makes this movie worthwhile. I like the look of the torture chamber. It's not dirty, rusty, or even old (the stereotypical look you got familiar with from all the classic horror movies or even music videos). It's high-tech, and clean. It's makes much more sense. If anyone would decide to build one, i assume he'd take time and effort to make it convenient to use. I already mentioned the casting, it's just great. Most of the effects are very well executed, so you can see everything in their gory details (there are some anatomic errors, but i guess most people wouldn't even realize them).

And the violence? Whew... This movie is brutal. Over the top brutal. As in most french horrors nowadays, the violence comes from the realistic and serious approach. The gore never gets cartoony, or comic. Even when there's not that much blood, it's just so mean spirited... Others pointed out, that the movie suffers from something which i'd like to call a "Passion of the Christ - symptom" it is just so insanely violent, it makes you numb after awhile. Maybe, but i didn't feel that. I think the movie makers were smarter in this one, and they always managed to top each scene with an even more repulsive one. The earlier mentioned endgame is a strange exclusion, that part (though not very long), makes the movie sit down a little.

All in all, Martyrs a good horror movie, even in the classic horror way, it's very tense and it often made me jump. The gore is very strong also, so gore-hounds should also be pleased by it. Just keep in mind, that it's not that kind of film you'd like to see in the middle of a fun, horror marathon. It's dark, it's serious, and very sad. Thanks for reading.
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