Dolphin Cove (1989)
Thanks To Its Makers, The 1980s, and The Egyptian TV !
16 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Without a doubt, many generations, including mine, are indebted for our national Egyptian television; its second channel in specific. Through this channel, we got the opportunity to watch and follow many many great foreign works. Classic movies, nice shows, and important series. Even the foreign songs were having their own programs. And remember folks, that was years before the propagation of the satellites, the special Egyptian - or not Egyptian - channels, the internet,..etc.

I knew how lucky I was while studying the TV history lately, where I discovered that I've watched great deal of really distinct shows along the years by this channel. I mean the selections of it were always classy, and they kept us on touch with the recent dramas. Yes, it was one channel that airs nearly 2 shows per day, and there was another chance to watch a series - yet per week - in the Wednesday's evening on the first channel, but that was priceless. For little instance, at the time, there was never cut-to-commercials moment during the airing. Ahh.. doesn't that sound like heaven today?!

When I recall the shows that I've watched from the productions of the year 1989, I discover 2 things. Firstly, what a ride of fun and excellence the 1980s was. Secondly, I watched many of that year's works on our channel. I remember (A Man Called Hawk), (Neon Rider), (Life Goes On). However, (Dolphin Cove) is the one that has a special place in my heart.

What's magical about such a series? I think everything. The characters were all memorable. Unlike the melodramatic treatments (Falcon Crest), or the endless exploitations (The Bold and the Beautiful), this series went delicately through the secrets, the pains, and the essence of every character it had. It was deep, sweet and got its own suspense as well; you'd never forget the episode in which nearly the whole cast was imprisoned in one place because of a terrible storm. The locations were part of the magic for sure. The image was always romantically soft and emotive. The direction made unforgettable piece. And the music was sensitive. Believe it or not, I recorded its intro's music on a cassette tape back then, and played it numerously.

As a drama, I think the crisis of the silent little girl summarized the whole matter. It's a show about communication. So making the basic storyline about trying to talk with dolphins wasn't a coincidence. It's about shattering the silence, even between the ones and their selves, to know what's irritating and how to overcome it. Therefore, the enchanting last shot, with the little girl singing secretly in bed, is somehow an ultimate happy ending whereas she felt lastly the love among her, she knew that she has a friend, and she got communicated with, another-seem-silent, creatures (the dolphins).

I've learned from this rare 8-episodes-series that human is like nature (the vast Australian land here) both could look vague and scary. The title itself could get one brilliant pun, as we all might be dolphin cove / dolphin person that needs a certain way of smart dealing and pure love to be explored, understood and maybe rescued.

If you don't love the 1980s, how can you? I love it along with the Egyptian TV that raised us with fine works like this.. Once!
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