Review of Pandora

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Pandora (2003)
Season 4, Episode 15
Clumsy, lazy writing
4 June 2009
I have to agree with the Peter Hall's review.

This is a poor episode of an otherwise pretty good series.

The patronising and, frankly, insulting portrayal of the Czech Republic is a travesty. Any Czech watching this episode would probably wonder if the writers could be sued for such a pejorative and offensive distortion.

There are so many other little things wrong, too, which make it lack credibility.

Example : The supposed Europol detective/agent/employee is clearly meant to have an English accent rather than American, yet she says "entrepen-oor". Only somebody who spoke American English would use that pronunciation. The English pronounce it "entrepen-urr", as the French do.

It may seem trivial, but it's the lack of attention to minor details like this which draw attention to the clumsiness of the appalling clichés.

If you can suspend your disbelief to the required degree, you'll probably enjoy the episode, but I advise you to have a large pinch of salt handy to take it with.
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