Review of Jonas

Jonas (2009–2010)
Is it 30 Rock? No. Is it far better than most of the drivel Disney Channels pulls out? By far.
11 June 2009
I'm not a fan of Disney channel, in fact I totally hate it and blame it for the lack of great television for younger kids. However, I had an opportunity to watch this. I had to record this so I could watch a sneak peak of "Up!". I decided to go ahead and watch this and give it a chance, because as an aspiring film/television director I always hope people would give me the same chance. With an open mind I found it to be cute and entertaining.

Will it be the next Office or Lost? Well no. However, it's good in the "it's so bad it's good" way. People complain about the writing and the acting, but I find it to be surprisingly better than most Disney channel shows past and present. The premise isn't crazy-original, but what isn't? The writing is okay, but it works if you enjoy random silliness and great one-liners. Some of the acting is pretty good, the extras are far less annoying than Hannah Montana's and their family in the show is tolerable and their father isn't treated like an idiot.

Out of the three brother's Nick is lucky to be so adorable, because he's very weak in the acting. Joe is actually pretty funny and enjoyable to watch. As for Kevin, you can tell he isn't taking himself seriously as an actor and just having fun (and that is very evident with Joe too) and I can appreciate it. They don't try to be more than they are, as with this show and I actually set a series recording and enjoy watching episodes in my spare time. And kudos for nixing the laugh track.

I will still hit it on weak story lines and execution, just because it's Disney Channel doesn't excuse poor production quality. This show actually has potential to be a monkey-esquire and could be very good. And some of the music is bad- or more or less written for the show and just to fill time. But they get credit for writing it and trying. It's not groundbreaking or thought-provoking, but it's a fun way to pass the time.
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