Sole Survivor (1984)
The trailers were very misleading for this movie.
2 July 2009
If there is one thing I can not stand it is when a movie pretends to be something it is not on its movie poster, on the back of the box, or in the case of this movie the trailer itself. I would have possibly given the movie a higher score if not for the blatant lies the trailer showed when this movie first came to the theaters. I still remember the trailers as a kid and one of them showed a demon like hand coming out of a fog, a scene that does not materialize in the movie at all thank you very much. The only demon comes rather early in the movie in the form of a sort of echo on the radar screen. This movie in the end is more of a bad version of the classic low budget horror film "Carnival of Souls", granted this one is a low budget movie as well. The story has the survivor of a plane crash feeling guilty as she was in fact the only survivor. Well it is not to long that she seems to be seeing dead people, and they seem to be wanting her dead. So yes you can see the similarities to "Carnival of Souls" just from that line. However, for the most part you are not going to see much going on the movie just needs more to it, or maybe if they had advertised this movie for what it was instead of trying to make it out to be some cool horror movie I could have enjoyed it better.
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