I'm watching it now and not feeling good about it.
9 July 2009
OK, sexual problems or not, I adore David Duchovny. And the Scully/Mulder romance is always sweet.

But when Scully is first approached to get Mulder involved with the missing FBI agent case, she acts as if she's going to a stranger's house. You get the feeling she and Mulder haven't seen each other in years when she walks into his house. And yet, midway through the movie, she says that they are living together.

And when the girl's car is forced off the road by the truck--the cops don't notice that her window was broken in backwards, or that there is paint on the side that the truck hit.

And the hospital's administrator-priest says he is determining medical practice by appealing to "the highest authority" and an entire conference table of doctors, Scully included, don't protest.

And the "Russians" are using German words. "Verstehe." And why would Scully care why the bugger priest said "Don't give up." Why does she get so immature about it? Like she needs his approval or recognition. Isn't she more together than that after all these years? And when they're chasing the Ruskie through town, have they never heard of shooting him in the leg? OK, now i'm going to finish watching this preposterousness because I'm in a hotel with limited cable.
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