Excellent portrait, overall good movie
21 July 2009
This is one of the few true crime films that I found to be wonderfully put together, accurate and original. It is well-written, and the director obviously did his research. The film is enjoyable to watch, because it has style, and the storyline doesn't lull and revolve around a court case like many films based on real killers. It is reminiscent of the director's 2007 film, Ed Gein: Butcher of Plainfield, as it stays true to the real story of the killer while providing entertainment and using realistic blood and gore. Though it was a good film, I can't give it a 10 out of 10 because there was a decent portion of bad acting throughout it. The actor who played Bundy did a great job, but all of the other characters (with the exception of Kane Hodder as the Warden) lacked in their ability to deliver dialogue. If you believe that visual appeal and good writing can make up for bad acting, and you're into true crime, this is definitely one to check out.
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