Stoopnocracy (1933)
26 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw this as part of a program of Fleischer Screen Songs on the big screen at UCLA's Billy Wilder Theater, and it was one of the hits of the evening.

Yes, Stoopnagle and Budd are not terribly funny, but they're also not on screen for very long. They're preceded by some silliness about gathering "nuts" for the "nuthouse" -- including one particularly funny in-joke about a cartoonist (seen drawing a Betty Boop cartoon) who is carted away just by virtue of his profession. The cartoon segment also includes a very brief blackface bit, which is not all that abnormal for a 1933 film. I know it's difficult to do, but I think it's important to try to see things in historical context. In this case, both the view of insanity and the blackface segment are similar to other films of the time, and considerably less objectionable than many.

Following the cartoon, we have Col. Stoopnagle and Budd, who were popular radio comedians. They do a silly little bit about inventions, which leads to Budd imitating Bing Crosby, followed by a performance of "Minnie the Moocher" by a young African-American performer dressed as a baby. Another reviewer seems to have missed the point several times over when he wrote that this was "dumb and racist" and that "...this is the only one {Fleischer cartoon} I've seen featuring a song with a scat lyric. Several times, the bouncing ball seemed to lose its place among the scat syllables, and I couldn't blame it. Matters are not helped when the scat lyrics (printed in white) get lost in the white folds of the black boy's baby costume."

I'm not quite sure why this reviewer thought the segment was racist. In fact, to have two white performers stand behind a black performer, allowing that performer to have the spotlight, was actually pretty daring at the time.

Contrary to what the reviewer seems to believe, many Fleischer sing-along cartoons used hot jazz and scat singing; among them those starring Louis Armstrong, the Mills Brothers, the real Cab Calloway, and a very young Rose-Marie. In addition, the increasingly fast pace of the scat singing in this case became part of the joke, with the wording of the scat disappearing into the white costume and the bouncing ball getting confused as the scatting got faster and faster. At UCLA, the audience certainly got the joke.

Then the reviewer adds this rather astonishing sentence: "'Stoopnocracy' would have been a lot funnier if they'd left out that black kid."

Perhaps it might have been funnier, but "that black kid" was none other than the great Harold Nicholas, then aged 12, singing (not lip-syncing, as a previous poster suggested) the aforementioned (and really great) version of Cab Calloway's "Minnie the Moocher." In addition to being one of the greatest dancers of the 20th Century, Harold was a terrific (and underrated) singer. I saw him perform (both singing and dancing, but mostly singing) toward the end of his life. His singing alone brought the audience to its feet.

The baby costume seemed to have been used only to point up the absurdity of having a child singing a very adult song. If anything shocked tonight's audience, it wasn't the stereotyping -- it was the idea of having a child sing these lyrics:

Folks, now here's a story 'bout Minnie the Moocher She was a red hot hoochie-koocher She was the roughest, toughest frail but Minnie had a heart as big as a whale

Now she messed around with a bloke named Smoky She loved him though he was cokey He took her down to Chinatown He showed her how to kick the gong around

Now she had a dream about the King of Sweden He gave her things that she was needin' He gave her a home that was built of gold and steel A diamond car with platinum wheels

Now he gave her his townhouse and his racing horses Each meal she ate was a dozen courses She had a million dollars worth of nickels and dimes And she sat around and counted 'em all a million times.

For modern audiences to whom this may seem like gibberish, allow me to give a rough translation:

Minnie was a loose woman (possibly a prostitute) sleeping with a cocaine addict, who got her addicted, too. In a drug-induced dream, she imagines that she has sold herself to the King of Sweden for a couple of homes, an expensive car, race horses, rich food, and lots and lots of money.

Considering that this was a Fleischer pre-Code cartoon, none of it is really all that shocking. For more about pre-Code films or early Fleischer cartoons, I'm sure you can find plenty of information online. "Stoopnocracy" had everything a good early Fleischer Screen Song should have: surreal comedy, quirky animation, great music by an important performer of the time and a little something pre-Codish to keep everyone on their toes. In my opinion, this is one of the more delightful of the Fleischer Screen Songs cartoons.

Chacun à son goût, of course.
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