Space.....the final rip off. These are the voyages of the starship copy-paste
30 July 2009
Wow...just wow. i have never seen a more blatant rip off of Star Wars and Star Trek in my whole life. This movie was made in 1978, right after the release of Star Wars, and a while after Star Trek. and it really shows. This movie copied everything from lightsabers to phasers, to the cardboard sets. But while Star Trek was endearing, this was not.

Now we're on to movie 15 of our 50 chilling classics and let me just say first of all that THIS IS IN THE WRONG MOVIE PACK. This OBVIOUSLY should be in the sci-fi pack. There is nothing horror movie related about this. So WHY it's in a horror pack, like "Death Rage" i have no idea. They really have to preview these movies before they put them in the pack. At least put the genres together correctly. that would be like putting "Abbott and Costello Meet the invisible man" in the Western box set. If i wanted to see sci-fi, i'd have bought the Sci-fi pack.

Another problem with this movie is how it's titled "War of the Robots". which usually entails that Robots are fighting each other. Now there are robots in this movie, but they look so pathetic it's incredibly amusing. Every robot looks exactly like a human with a blonde mullet and a silver jumpsuit. FEAR THE ROBOTS! and you don't even learn that they ARE robots until halfway into the movie. But the robots aren't even the main villains. The main villains are these old people. Yeah. terrifying. if a movie is called "War of the robots" then i better see robots BATTLING EACH OTHER! that's like me calling the movie "Clone Wars" "The Tusken Raider battle". Sure they're in there, but they're not the main concern.

This movie also runs far too long. 100 minutes for a cheap Star Wars/Trek rip off is really overkill. None of the characters are endearing, except for the alien. he's pretty cool. and Julie's actually pretty hot.

Basically a professor and his assistant are kidnapped and it's up to john (kirk ripoff) (god i hated that guy) and his crew to save them because apparently the aliens kidnapped at just the wrong time when if the professor's gone, the city will explode. Man, talk about your bad timing. Now in this film, they never really give you the alien's side of the story. They're meant to seem evil and uncaring, but their reasoning for what they're doing isn't really evil, they just want to survive. However, instead of making the villains more human (no pun intended) they cartoonishly villainify them, not to mention make the professor and the assistant (lois) switch sides so many times it incredibly confused me.

All this movie made me want to do is watch the real star trek. The special effects in this were LAUGHABLE. In star trek at least the projectile showed up on screen as a beam of light. and that was 10 years ago. Here all they did was have a plastic gun flash a light with some sound effects. and the funny thing is, in the second half in the movie, they FORGOT to put in the sound effects. That's just sad. This movie tried so hard to jump on the bandwagon, but failed so miserably. I wouldn't have even seen it if it wasn't in this box set. But i repeat. IT SHOULDN'T BE IN A HORROR BOX SET! "War of the Robots" gets 2 ripped off "Star" titles, out of 10.
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