2 August 2009
I almost couldn't make it through the whole film, but I stuck it out for JB. He breaks my heart in a way that almost no one else can. For those of you who are using this one performance as a yardstick to judge his talent by, you're selling him and yourselves short. This was a phenomenally gifted man with a finger constantly pressing his self-destruct button for reasons only he knew. You have to see his other films, silent and sound, that show his true range. "Twentieth Century," "Don Juan," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," "Svengali," - these are a few of the performances that are worth seeing. He was more than astonishingly handsome and sexy. He had guts and fire, and just couldn't overcome his fatal thirst. I would sell my soul to go back in time to see his "Hamlet" or "Richard III". All of his private and public sins aside, he was one of the greats, unjustly ignored by the Academy and forgotten by viewers. How sad. He deserved so much better.
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