Studio One: A Passenger to Bali (1950)
Season 2, Episode 29
This was in my horror box set, why?
4 August 2009
Now, i'm not going to complain about this movie/episode, in fact, i kinda liked it. the only real problem i had was that in my 50 horror movie box set "Chilling Classics" at number 21 they gave me an episode of "studio one". I find that to be a bit odd. Why would you put a TV episode in a box of horror titles? did they run out of public domain movies to use? But, that little complaint aside, it's really not that bad.

The story is about a man who gains passage on a ship going to bali. the captain agrees, little does he realize the passenger is not allowed in any country, so he's stuck aboard his ship, slowly driving everyone insane. Not going to spoil the ending, was pretty decent though.

It was interesting that since this was a 1950 TV show, they had the commercials still in there. it broke the action up though, and that was kind of irritating. The acting was pretty good and the supporting cast was fun. you actually felt yourself in the captain's shoes. What would you do if you were stuck as he was? it was a very good moral dilemma story.

If you're looking for something short, pop it in, you might just be surprised. And if you happen to have it on the chilling classics box set, just don't watch the next movie on the disc. But that's another review.

Passenger of Bali gets 6 well forged passports, out of 10.
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