Cliché Samurai Anime Movie
4 August 2009
I read the other reviews on this site, and I watched this movie expecting an anime movie with the plot of Lone Wolf and Cub and the action of Ninja Scroll.

And the movie started that way. The first action scene is cool, but after the first ten minutes the movie stops the action and starts the boring exposition. No interesting fights happen until the end of the movie.

I watched this movie with people, and after the fifty minute mark we skipped to the end because the story was so flimsy and poorly developed we just stopped caring. When we saw the samurai riding on a horse with the child along the beach, while the child yelled how it felt like he flying, and the water splashed and shined in the samurai's face, we stopped giving a dam n. This scene was meant to make us care about how the samurai and child were bonding, but it was so forced and so cliché we didn't care to watch anymore. This is how the entire plot of the movie works.

If you've seen any samurai movie, you've seen a better version of this movie. The few fights the movie has are cool, but the rest is a wan k fest that is what is wrong with anime.
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