En la Cama (2005)
A 85 minutes sex-scene done WELL !
7 August 2009
Alright, about my rating first: I realize that this movie is not 10/10 quality, for it is a good one, but we have all seen better. However, in it's own category, it shows some qualities, that are rarely seen at cinema.

Namely: Well done sex scenes.

People, seriously, why is it so hard to make them? In most movies you see, they're either toned down and flat, or over the top and out of place. This one's on the other way taking it to the extreme. The whole film is about two young people on a one night stand in a motel room. There are no other actors, and no other set. Just these two, who came to have sex. And to have it as many times as possible. The night is long, and they already paid for the room, so it's perfectly understandable.

The story is about the two getting closer and closer, until their relationship turns from 'total strangers' to 'uncomfortably close, for a one night affair'. And that's another interesting thing about this one. I bet everyone of you has memories of sitting through a movie with a larger audience, coming across an unexpected, kinkier scene, which makes all of you feel embarrassed. Well, this movie doesn't screw around, that's for sure, and maybe because you know what to expect, and because of this film is well written and executed, you'll never once feel that cringe. As a matter of fact, the dialog parts may be much more tense, and uncomfortable. Why? Because a one night affair is not about talking. One might bump into things he or she doesn't want to get involved, or let the other get involved in.

Let's get back to the sex. I really didn't count it, but they're having sex about five times throughout the movie! It's quite a big number for a 85 minutes movie, which tries to tell story actually. But all of them work just fine. It's due to the cast of course, both the actors come off as really likable, good looking, young and fresh, and a strange kind of chemistry is present. As they getting to know each other, slowly, their relationship changes. And here comes another reason why these scenes work so well: good timing and direction. See, it's not just a movie, where these two screw five times and then they talk. The sex scenes are fully integrated into the plot, the have reason to be where they are, and they're executed and played out in a manner that reflects to the actual mood, events and dialog. It means we get about five completely different sex scenes in one movie, on about every significant point of the plot, where they are more than needed.

Deepest regards to the director, for this is truly an accomplishment, not too many could've pulled off.
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