Repossessed (1990)
A Luke-warm but fun jab at a classic.
12 August 2009
For many horror fans, nothing is more sacred than William Friedkin's "The Exorcist." For better or for worse, though, someone else thought differently, and in 1990, a spoof-flick was made in it's honor.

Perhaps being delivered 17 years too late, "Repossessed" earns its credibility in the casting of Linda Blair (of "The Exorcist" and its sequel) and the reliable Leslie Nielsen. Unfortunately, the humor -- which is not surprisingly derivative of "Airplane!" and "The Naked Gun" -- falls flat with many dated jokes peppered amongst cornball sight-gags and tired slapstick humor. Granted, if that's your sort of thing, you'll have a good time, especially if you're familiar with the source material. Ned Beatty (who also had a role in "The Exorcist II") has perhaps the most entertaining part as a straight-up send-up of televangelist Jim Bakker. Just one of the many jokes within, though, that you won't understand if you don't remember it.

As a movie that doesn't require too much mental investment, it's a pretty painless experience (minus the grating pop/theme song) if you can forgive its flaws and lack of gigantic laughs. At the very least, it's a must-see for the horror fan with a sense of humor and begs to be a cult classic. Who knows, it could be yours?
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