A EURO-TRASH version, of American STR8 2 video trash.
23 August 2009
I got this movie @ one of the HAJI stores here I IRAQ. They use the comments from IMDb to describe the video. So they used the comment "This film is by far the worst I have ever seen.", it was as good as sold. No yes this is a bad film, it's about 10 years too late. But its low-grade budget. the worst film are the ones high-budget good cast but just trivial drivel and bull-crap dialog.

There's a scene in which the hero escapes from the bad guys. The bad guys look at his license plate and hunt him down. The problem is the license plate is obviously European. Hpowever a few scenes later the bad guys identify themselves as FBI agents (to the local American police department). Now this isn't the BOURNE identity so why are American Law Enforcement chasing this guy in a foreign country unless they're supposed to be in America. Yes it's a foreign production of Actors trying to do a cheesy American film. Here this guy is schlep, wife's cheating on him, bad at his job. the only joy he has in his life is this beautiful waitress at the local diner who obviously has a crush on him. He see's something at work he wasn't supposed to, and the hunt is on to kill him. (I.E. Pelican Brief, The FIRM, etc. etc.)No exotic locations or thrilling car chases but a movie just the same.

To say the movie was telegraphing scenes is a disgrace to the fast moving telegraph. A far more accurate description was they were boxed, addressed then sat in the back of the mini-van for a month, before someone finally mailed them.
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