Studio One: A Passenger to Bali (1950)
Season 2, Episode 29
Early television detour.
12 September 2009
After taking a much needed five month sabbatical from the "Chilling Classics" movie pack I was surprised that this 1950 television episode is part of this collection of mostly 1970's trash cinema. It's a surprising addition that provides a little oasis of decent storytelling in a sea of aimless wanderings.

Colin Keith-Johnston is Captain English who unwittingly allows a missionary priest a ride to Bali with the caveat that the good Captain would be aiding in "God's work" as well as the fact that the mysterious passenger will pay him double the normal fare. Once the ship is in port the man is identified as some sort of propagandist troublemaker by the name of Mr. Walkes played with over-the-top gusto by Berry Kroeger. It seems Mr. Walkes has a case full of pamphlets that incite rage in whatever country he tries to enter into resulting in his exile at sea much to the consternation of Capt. English who must ferry him everywhere in hopes of finally getting rid of him.

There seems to be some speculation as to what exactly the pamphlets say that would result in Mr. Walkes' banishment from every port. The red scare of the early 50's was solely an American situation as the ship Capt. English commands is, well, English. The transfer to DVD is very rough as some of the scenes are hard to make out at times. The commercial breaks for various Westinghouse products are very amusing and show how far we have progressed economically in less than sixty years. If Mill Creek has the rights to this it makes me wonder why they didn't bundle all the episodes together and offer it in a better package rather than slapping this in the middle of a bad horror movie pack. I think Mr. Walkes had a case full of It's Pat! VHS tapes. Oh the horror!
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