Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008 Video)
One of the best documentaries you will ever see! It opens your eyes as wide as it's physically possible!
13 September 2009
This masterpiece, although it hasn't mentioned nearly enough about the motivation of money & it's effects on people beside the idea that money is the same as debt, offers us so much information to "what's really going on", that when you see it the 1st time, it will probably blow your mind. After you get passed the fact that you are astonished by the information that is given to you on a silver platter, you will begin to give a lot of credit to Joseph Peter, and I for one really believe in such a future as the one mentioned in the "Venus Project". I am 20 years old of age and I started college approximately 1 year ago. The reason I'm mentioning my age & the fact that I'm in college is because this documentary made me feel proud of myself for not choosing to go to a Military/Police Academy, respectively, because of this documentary I am now even more proud that I didn't choose to study Economics or Politics, and that I decided on studying Electronics Engineering. Technology is the wave of the future & money is the root of all evil things for that matter, basically this is what Zeitgeist Addendum is all about. Technology can provide, money is just a front, a means of oppression. The sooner everybody will find this out, the better for our future generations, that is if money won't mean the end of everything... This documentary, in my opinion, also focuses on "hope for a better future". I'm really happy to know that there are people out there who really believe in a brighter tomorrow, in a world like the "Venus Project", where routine jobs will be extinct & where most importantly I quote a phrase from the Zeitgeist: "no one will be left behind". Kinda brings tears to your eyes when you think about how things are & how things should be... doesn't it.
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