Mouse Trouble (1944)
Well made, but I agree that it is awfully predictable.
15 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love Tom and Jerry cartoons for two reasons. First, the original ones were unashamedly violent--funny and cartoony but violent. Second, the animation of their films from the early 40s to mid-50s was probably better than the shorts from Looney Tunes and Disney. However, despite these pluses, the films are amazingly predictable. Tom chases and tries to kill Jerry and Jerry ends up beating the snot out of Tom instead is the plot of 90% of these films and MOUSE TROUBLE is no exception. It seems odd to me, then, that Tom and Jerry actually took home more Oscars than the Looney Tunes people for all their cartoons during the the 40s and 50s. Why? I dunno. They sure were animated nicely but they just weren't especially novel. Perhaps the Oscar people just hated cats!

As for this particular film, I've seen it many times. It's the one where Tom buys a book on how to catch a mouse (has such a book EVER really been written?!?). And, by using the book, Tom STILL gets clobbered by Jerry and proves he's just a boob. Aside from the great animation (Tom and Jerry cartoons pre-1950 are the most beautiful), I also liked that there was better than usual continuity. When Tom has the top of his head shot off, he wears a toupee the rest of the film to hide it! Clever--just not earth-shaking.

By the way, me divulging that Jerry beats Tom--is this REALLY a spoiler?!?!
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