Will You Merry Me? (2008 TV Movie)
If you want to have some laughs, watch it
18 September 2009
The plot of this movie has to do with two families with different religious beliefs and a young couple getting married. The first time the families gather are during the Christmas holidays. One family is Jewish and the other Christian.

This movie has some great laughter and funny situations, which are so far-fetched at times that you can't help but laugh out loud. The mom that celebrates Christmas in her own colorful way is attempting to mix Judaism with Christianity when the families meet for the first time. Some of it is very funny while other parts are heart warming. The Jewish roots family manages to pull their own share of funny moments in sabotaging Christmas but not in a spiteful way.

While these situations and further discussions of their future keep creeping up the young couple are actually questioning whether they both want the same things in a marriage.

This movie is not a must see like "Meet the Fockers" however, it does have it have enough of a plot line that you will be entertained throughout the movie. It also educates you if you unfamiliar with either religion. If you want to have a few out loud laughs, then it is definitely worth your while to check this movie out. If anything it will remind you of your own special Christmas or Chanukah memories or even a mixed religious holiday.
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