Enjoyable but somewhat tepid road movie
11 October 2009
Altogether an enjoyable film, despite a few lengthy bits when the familiar pattern (middle aged blonde with two sons realizes the man she has set to marry is a jerk) seems to repeat itself once too many. I really liked the truthfulness of the depiction of America's 1950s, all the way to Zellweger's mannerisms typical of the times, the dirt roads, the breeches, the hotel detective. Support actors were good as well, though Bacon does'nt get much screen presence. A lot of humorous lines make the conversation interesting to follow, and the heroine's string of unlucky encounters also play to good laughs.

But quite a few items irked me, from the overly black and white depiction of lecherous men, to the pale acting of the two sons, to the frightening number of times Zellweger was told she was 'beautiful' (we get it, middle aged men are horny, she's blonde, but puh-lease, her chemically/surgically enhanced frozen-featured face simply isn't attractive - then again, she does get the word 'old' bandied at her a few times so I guess the director thought a trade off was necessary).

Overall, the film really lacked in-depth characterization and relied too much on its fickle road movie charm to wind its way to a somewhat trite and tepid ending.
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