Zoological Intrigue
2 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
(There are Spoilers) Mad zoologist and big game hunter Eric Gorman has this thing about anyone who as much as looks at his wife Evelyn, Kathleen Burke, that has him simply go wacko! We get to see a glimpse of Eric's murderous jealousy at the start of the movie when he has fellow big game hunter and trapper Bob Taylor's mouth sewed up and, with his hands tied, left in the jungle to be eaten by the wild animals that live there! What was Taylor's crime? He was caught, by Eric, giving Evelyn a friendly kiss!

Back in the states with a shipload of wild animals from India and South East Asia, including at least a dozen African lions, Eric is now obsessed in doing in fellow boat passenger Roger Hewitt, John Lodge, whom he knows is having an affair with Evelyn. It's Evelyn who's seriously considering divorcing her dangerous and unstable nut-job of a husband, whom she's just about had it with, and marrying Roger. Not wanting to be implicated in any murder that he's planing Eric decides to use the wild animals that he brought to the local zoo to do the dirty work for him!

The wild eyed and bushy hair, as well as a little bit nuts, Eric gets to the unsuspecting Roger at a dinner for the opening of his zoo exhibition with a deadly green mamba whom he uses, under the table, to bite the poor guy as he's having his dinner. Dropping dead almost on the spot, mamba venom is among fastest acting and deadliest of all killer snakes, it becomes apparent that the mamba was accidentally released by Dr. Jack Woodford who was at the time milking the killer mamba of it's venom, in his laboratory, to develop a antidote for it! Knowing that he had the mamba security locked up in its cage Dr. Woodford suspects that Eric, in the way he behaved at the murder scene, may well have used a second deadly mamba to murder Roger!

**SPOILER ALERT** As it soon turned out the mamba was in fact totally Innocent of killing Roger! Eric used its venom, in some weird contraption he invented, to stick it to Roger and get him both out of his hair and is wife's Evelyn's life! It's when Evelyn found out what Eric did in having her lover Roger killed, and threatening to go to the police, that later that evening Eric had her dumped into the crocodile pool at the zoo where she ended up as the hungry crock's moonlight snack! It's when Eric tried to murder, with the mamba venom, Dr. Woodford that his crazy plan finally backfired on him. Not knowing that Dr. Woodford had already developed an antidote to the venom and his girlfriend and lab. assistant Jerry Evens, Gail Patrick, on the scene to administrate it to the unconscious Dr. Woodford Eric was caught flat footed and exposed for his crimes.

Knowing that the jig is finally up for him Eric tried to make his getaway by releasing all the caged animals to be used as cover for his escape. Ending up in the safety of a cage himself with the lions leopards tigers as well as hyenas tearing the entire zoo apart Eric found to his surprise and shock that he wasn't the only one locked in! He had a cage-mate who hasn't eaten for weeks if not months and Eric couldn't have come at a better time for him, or it, to finally have its long delayed meal!
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