Despite the whole weeaboo aspect, it was a pleasant film
3 November 2009
The story is basically a American slacker coming to Tokyo to meet her American boyfriend, but her boyfriend dumps her after sleeping with her and just leaves her. In despair the girl tries to find joy by putting smile on other peoples faces by making ramen, and soon becomes a apprentice to a ramen chef. I think critics are being too harsh on this movie. It is a pleasant and touching movie and I was grinning at some parts through it. This film can sort of be compared to "The Karate Kid" and it's sort of similar in the way how Daniel Larusso(Ralph Macchio) learns and sort of becomes a apprentice in the beginning to Mr. Miyag(Pat Morita). But in this film Brittany Murphy character Abby becomes a apprentice Maezumi(Toshiyuki Nishida) who put on a good performance, as a matter of fact the chemistry between Abby and Maezumi seem authentic in a apprentice and master kind of way. It also had a bit of "Simply Irresistible"(1999) elements to it. Now I agree with some of the critics that the language barrier between these two characters got a bit annoying after a while and you start to wonder why couldn't they have gotten Abby's new boyfriend to translate for both. And I thought the story was far fetched as well with the spirit in the ramen and all, although how it showed the perfection behind the ramen to be cool. Also some may say the ramen chef is a tyrant in this film but he was just being the typical leader in running a restaurant. And there are a lot of chefs like him in many Asian restaurant and other countries as well, although he goes a bit over board on some scenes. When I first saw the cover of this film I was going to pass on it since it seemed to have weeaboo all over. But decided to give it a try for the heck of it and it turned out to be a pleasant film although it did have some weeaboo aspects to it. And weeaboos will probably enjoy this film than others and get some fantasies in there heads which was the thing I disliked the most about this film. And the undeveloped back story hurt the film as well, there is also a lot of deleted scenes that was taken out for good reasons but some scenes would have been a nice touch if it made it into the whole film. Despite some flaws or aspects I disliked, I found it quite fun.

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