8 November 2009
While I didn't enjoy it as much as Crash, I thought it had some interesting elements to it. First off its set in a rain soaked Cleveland over a period of 72 hours. Okay, so basically that means THE WHOLE MOVIE is set in the RAIN. Not much more than that, its a morose drama with some good ideas that pretty much get ruined by bad acting and predictability. Some may argue that the movie just aims to make you feel bad and bring a sense of gloom to your day. While it does just that (and succeeds) it far less captures you, and just tries too hard to make you feel sorry for the characters whom none of which are likable. There's one scene with the baby (those who have seen it know which) and the mother that you knew what was going to happen before it did. It was all too contrived. It really took a turn for the worst on pretty much every result of the characters actions (and not in a good way, just a plain suck-ish way). It left you scratching your head not in disbelief but in an "Youve gotta be kidding me" kinda way. Not recommended unless you want to be depressed and love bad acting or vague representations of Chekov. Avoid like the plague.
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