Better than I expected, and way better than others are saying!
25 November 2009
I'm having a significant amount of difficulty figuring out why New Moon is getting such a harsh reaction on IMDb. People on here have voted Children of Men, one of the most depressing, horrible films I have ever seen, an average of 8.1 stars. And yet, this film is at 4.5?! Now, I am an average guy. I like some sports movies, I love action, and I really don't like romantic comedies. I really enjoyed New Moon. Sure, the whole "sparkly" vampire thing is a little weird. However, it is done better here than in the first film. And the action is very cool.

My wife has read all 4 books multiple times, and she read the 2nd one again just before we went to see it in the theater. She said that some things did not happen the same way as in the book, and some things were left out or added here and there. People, it is a movie! This is what happens when books are made into movies. And for those of you who say it sends a bad message to girls, that is rubbish. Wake up, people! New Moon is a movie about vampires and werewolves, and one somewhat-normal girl who falls in love with a vampire. To imagine that a complete fiction such as this would be a life-lesson for anyone is ridiculous.

If you don't like the books, hated the first film, or have no interest in either, don't go see New Moon...you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. If you like the books, or even remotely enjoyed Twilight, then you should be happy with New Moon. In my opinion, it is an improvement on the series, and a very entertaining film.
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