Review of Saw VI

Saw VI (2009)
5 December 2009
I have seen the previous Saw films and the last one left me thinking never again will I see this film. However, with a cliffhanger type of movie,gore and my great pleasure in seeing horror flicks I gave in and went to see this film. I didn't have high expectations of the film,but thought it couldn't get any worse. Heck, couldn't it be better than the re-make of Rob Zombie's Halloween.

From the beginning I was clued to the screen. The movie has

1. Chills 2. Decent storyline 3. Twists and Turns 4. Shockers 5. Gore

If you have seen the previous films all the what is going on will make sense to you. The ending was good and I am quite interested if there is going to be a next one.

I think this one was a good view. If you don't like gore and blood you should see something else.
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