Alexander (2004)
Pass the cranberry sauce, this turkey needs some flavour!
14 December 2009
I've sat through this film on three separate occasions now, each of the subsequent two was an attempt to draw out some redeeming features from what must be an embarrassing blot on the portfolio of each esteemed cast member.

What went wrong? Each "A-list" actor in the cast has monumental acting talent and all have brilliant previous performances under their belt. The budget was clearly copious and all this, together with the central theme of Alexander the Great, should have been the ingredients to a cinema epic!

Alas all these ingredients just didn't mix - instead the film truly curdles into failure. Unconvincing character acting, dubious accents to the point of being funny (looking at you, Ms. Jolie) and a rambling, shambling long trek of a plot that totally fails to tap our empathic responses. I just didn't care about any of the characters or their objectives.

That said, I did indeed find that this film does indeed have a redeeming feature. It'll fit in nicely with that "so bad, it's good" films you find in the ex-rental bucket or gas station forecourt.
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