Review of Boot Camp

Boot Camp (2008)
Are We Supposed To Sympathize With These Awful Kids?
28 December 2009
Sorry, but from what I've seen of these little turd-muffins, they're getting exactly what they deserve!

Yeah, I know - I'm a fascist. But these people (especially the main character) are obnoxious creeps!

The film's target audience of fourteen-year-olds might not realize it, but making sexual abuse allegations against someone simply because they "cramp your style" is a nasty, vicious thing to do. She then has the nerve to say she's stuck in that hellhole because "she lied"!

If the girl's stepfather were smart, he would have sued the girl for defamation of character and took her trust-fund!

It's sad to see that even after their ordeal at the hands of the hippie-dippie, new age doctor and his jack-booted thugs, that each of these spoiled-rotten brats retained every single bit of the unfounded self-righteousness and selfishness they came in with!

I hate youth culture. Someone, please bomb the Island.

Exterminate the brutes ...the horror... the horror...
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