The Best of the 50s Sci-fi.
29 December 2009
When I first heard of The Day the Earth Stood Still back 2 years ago, I thought it was a bad, cheap, cheesy "B" movie. But I decided to watch in AMC and I'm glad that I did. This movie revolutionized all Sci-Fi movies after it. Before 1951, Sci-Fi movies were pretty much mindless with the exception of Metropolis. But after this movie they started to have more meaning to them. This movie also was created around the time when UFO sightings were becoming rapidly increasing. So the movie came in the perfect time to fuel ideas of what the UFOs wanted or Aliens I guess. The title of this movie is great, I mean who would of thought of this title, only a genius!

This was overall a very interesting, philosophical movie. I recommend everyone to see this film. It is highly influential and will stick to Cinema History for a very long time to come, possibly forever. I hope this film will not be forgetton, if it is, it would be a very sad day in Cinema indeed. Please go watch this movie, and then watch the remake of it. Which was a very bad remake because it didn't gave the same feeling as the original.

10/10 To a Wonderful Classic!
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