Think you know how bad this is? Think again
16 January 2010
All-righty then, first things first, I want to assure everyone who reads this user comment to know that I did NOT pay to see this movie. Not that I could have, anyway - not only did this sequel bypass theaters, NONE of the video stores in my city got the DVD! I saw it on free TV... not long after it was released on DVD, which should give you your first clue as to how truly bad this movie is.

Part of me feels I shouldn't blast child actors, seeing how inexperienced they often are, but THIS child performer just filled me with disgust. He's not very photogenic - he's kind of dumpy, for one thing. And he's very inconsistent with his performance - sometimes he's channelling Jim Carrey, sometimes he's not. He's not very convincing either way, whether he's spouting lines like, "This is certainly an ironic situation!" or trying to act more down to earth.

But there's a lot of blame to be placed on the writing and direction. There's fart humor and kicks to the crotch, but it's at its worst when trying to imitate Jim Carrey - which is most of the movie. The direction is frequently shoddy, probably due to the low budget. See if you can figure out the panda kidnap sequence, and check out one scene where it's raining in some shots, but NOT raining in other shots.

The lowest of the Ace Ventura movies - and I hated the first two movies.
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