Sweet sarcasm
17 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to understand how war and humor can go together. But the whole premise of this film is that human beings can manage to laugh in even the bitterest experiences. In fact, it's sometimes the irony of life that brings laughter through the tears as sarcasm.

Sweet sarcasm is the core of this movie and Danny Kaye is the only one who could deliver it with such pathos and perfection. Amid hatred and discrimination, stupidity and war there is cleverness and cutting truth delivered through irony.

Outstanding writing and casting make this a gem. The only flaw in the diamond is that it gets slow sometimes and can feel like a late 50's movie masquerading in a 40's war movie coat.

Making the movie in color would have been too jarring to the concept of an "old" war movie. But it is also noticed in it's absence.

This is a great movie in a dull package but sharp minds will watch and heed its pointed humor and laugh through their tears.
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