Review of Daybreakers

Daybreakers (2009)
A bloody great time at the movies.
17 January 2010
"Daybreakers" is set in the year 2019, where almost everybody is a blood sucking vampire.These vampires come out and walk in the night time and use a daytime mode to protect them while they're driving in the daytime.Now that's what I call futuristic.Humuans are hunted down and are farmed for their blood.Soon, the vampires realize that they're starting to run low and they try to make a blood substitute.One night, a vampire played by Ethan Hawk crashes into a carload of humans.Ethan manages to persuade the humans that he's not going to hurt them and he manages to befriend one of them.With the help of his human friends, Ethan sets out to try to find a cure and set everything right.But a certain vampire played by Sam Neil doesn't want this to happen, and he realizes that he'll have to do whatever it takes to stop the humans from curing the world of vampires.

Review: "Daybreakers" is, at best, a ground-breaking vampire film.Scratch that, it's a ground-breaking sci-fi/vampire/action/horror film.What's best about the film is that it dumps on humanity and decides to put millions of vampires into the story, and the outcome is a good one.What's also good is that the movie is slam-bang with plenty of bloody and stylized action and great performances by Ethan Hawk, Willem Dafoe, and Sam Neil, and all of these things combine together and make one hell of a great movie."Daybreaker" went and made my day.
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