Avatar: The Game (2009 Video Game)
Avatar the movie is groundbreaking, but for the game, sadly it can not be said the same.
19 January 2010
I was very excited to play Avatar, since I adored the movie. I got my game systems and turned on the game. I saw that the graphics were normal. I mean the game was kind of ordinary, I didn't expect this game to be so mediocre. I think James Cameron didn't give a crap about the game, he just wanted the movie to be awesome. I understand that though, but he should of have it like different from other games, like how Avatar was to the movies.

Overall I have to give this game a 5, sadly. Because even though it was fun and good graphics, this game does not live up to the movie. It doesn't have to. I would recommend people who love action packed games, but no one else. I hope James Cameron sequel to Avatar makes a better sequel in the video game version.

5/10 5.6 Just decent
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