Sniffer (2006)
Dreaming of freedom
17 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Sniffer is the story of a man literally weighed down by society. The crushing realities of work (surely one of the worst jobs in the world), home and life in general have robed him and his fellow citizens of any joy or hope. He is only free in his dreams, when he can escape his bonds and float free.

When a bird enters his enclosed, oppressive world, it dies. Not wanting to follow its tragic example, he flees and, with a last farewell, escapes to float free to who knows where.

This is a lovely film about the need to be ourselves and to express our individuality despite the pressures to conform. It thoroughly deserves its awards.

Our local film society, Crystal Palace Pictures, paired it with Milk, the story of a man who refused to be beaten down and stood tall for what he believed in. He just didn't wear big heavy boots.
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