Review of Teeth

Teeth (I) (2007)
A really strange, but original, film
18 February 2010
Teeth is certainly original in it's concept and it's delivery. It starts off very promisingly. It establishes it's mood promisingly, and I have to say, I did not expect what I got. The film is about a young girl who is keen on abstinence, but after she discovers her vagina has teeth, she uses it to target to those who plan to sexually use her. That is the basic story, but the film only gets to that in it's last half hour. It is supposed to be a horror comedy, and I have seen a lot of horror comedies. Evil Dead 2, Drag Me To Hell, Cabin Fever, and to a lesser extent, Scream. The horror aspects and comedy aspects worked in all of those, yet here, the tone is so different. I expected more comedy, yet even when the funny parts happen, it does not seem like a comedy, or even a horror. I do not know if this is a product of it being a truly unique film, or just that the comedy aspects of it failed. I thought the first half of the film was more successful, because I did not know what the film was about when I started seeing it, so I thought it would be about the girl finding her sexuality after being raped, so when the actual plot kicked in I was so shocked. I was shocked because the film's first 30 minutes establish it as some sort of dark drama, neither horror or comedy. I felt as if the film did a complete 360 and all of the ideas it put in my head earlier were erased to make room for the 'comedy' section that it wanted to have, as well as the horror aspects. I also thought it should have been longer if it really wanted to explore more about her and her vagina, since like I said, the actual plot does not kick in until almost an hour into the film. But that is not to say I did not like the film. I did like it, probably more than it seems right now. Some of the writing was very clever, and it reminded me of Diablo Cody's form of writing (in both Juno and Jennifer's Body). Some of the scenes in the first half, especially the one in the cave where all goes wrong, was very brutal and, like I said already, shocking because I did not expect that. Jess Weixler was another highlight of the film. I thought she started off sort of awkward, but I get that was her character, and she completely pulled off her change in character. I never thought of her as sexy at all, and yet the last scene I was like 'WOW look at her'! Of course, this was all because of her acting skills. The ending was unsatisfactory because I felt this film had so many ideas and themes it could have explored more, yet it was just happy wit itself for being a 'vagina revenge film'.

Overall, I did like this film, but it is so difficult for me to grasp on it completely, just because I do not know if it is a product of the film's quality, or lack of quality, that it's tone is so unusually dark for a film about vagina teeth. Also because I find it harder to enjoy without it being a funnier film, and because I thought it could have explored so much more on female sexuality. I saw this film because I heard it had some of the same concept of the newer horror-comedy Jennifer's Body. I can say that while this film did have darker and more interesting themes (than Jennifer's Body) about female sexuality and purity in the beginning, it all seemed to vanish for the most part to a still enjoyable, but lesser film whose fundamental question is 'Next time I am with a girl, should I be scared that my genitals will be chopped off'? But I am sure I will not forget this film simply because of it's originality.
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