Forgettable Campy Thriller
23 February 2010
There is enough decent atmosphere and loathsome characters in this film to hold your attention for its duration, but that's about it. It has the feel of a made-for-TV film from the 1970's but I'm fairly certain this was released at the movies. Young Susan has just been released from a convent/mental institution after seeing her mother (Zsa Zsa) killed in a fire in their home. Unfortunately she is going back to the same house where her father (Amece) now lives with his new wife (Hyer) who is Susan's former governess and the creepy caretaker, Anthony (Reed). All are despicable people who have their own sneaky agendas tied to the complicated will being left to young Susan. Poor Zsa Zsa is in the film for a combined total of about one minute. The rest of the actors are good, except for Susan Gordon who plays the young daughter. She is one of the worst actors I have ever seen, and her terrible performance is the main thing hampering this production down. This will probably only be of interest to those who viewed it when it first came out, or fans of 1970's haunted house movies.
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