Review of Alice

Alice (1988)
Alice in David Lynch Land
24 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure Carroll meant for his book to be interpreted in such a dark and creepy way, but if that's the way ya' wanna see it, that's the way ya' wanna see it.

This film made me want a prescription for antibiotics. Everything here is sharp and rusty. Not to mention all the icky bugs and dead things and moldy cheese and...whats up with eating sawdust? that can't be good for you. Should kids see this? they get all sorts of stupid ideas and might try some of these things. There was a rusty sharp nail in the orange marmalade. I'm sure this whole thing would have given the author, Carroll, nightmares. I'm sure he would have wanted antibiotics also.

I find it pretty hard to watch this film without screaming, and afterwards I sort of feel like I might need a padded cell(actually i wonder if its Svankmajer who needs the padded cell), but I realize that Svankmajer is a talented and artistic film maker and you have to accept his vision. I didn't say get used to it, I never will probably, just accept it.

Film makers have always interpreted Lewis Carroll's book however they envisioned it. When Carroll's book was faithfully adapted in 1972 based on the original Tenniel illustrations and stuck closely to Carroll's actual dialogue and used his poems from his text, audiences yawned and poo-pooed the film and still do in favor of flashier versions. If people wanted a faithful adaptation like they say they do, they would be more than satisfied with the 72' version or even the excellent Eva LeGallienne/Florida Friebus revival on KCET in the late seventies.

I like this film I really do.

It scares the BeeJeezus out of me, but I like it.
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