Big promises... very bad effect...
25 February 2010
I saw many Macross series, I guess my favorite one was Macross 7 as it at least had a lot of quite decent music, as most Macross had...

Macross Forntier however is absolutely based on it's visual side, with no other aspects taken care off. We can see a quite nice display of machinery, sci-fi equipment and themes that are most valid for such series, but on the other hand, they are mostly CG, it's one of those "Computer Made" animes, not a drawn one, like Cowboy Bebop Movie, Zone of The Enders, and quite a lot of rest. I do respect hard work people once put in their crations, but as I see computer-generated models, rendered and such, I know the work was much simplified and it's obvious I'd rather vote for a hard working animator that draws every scene one by one, and not only fix some 3D props, mixing them in shape of action-scene.

It does look nice, flashy, catchy, but as it's only thing this series has it does earn this one star. Whole rest, is awful...

Starting with Music! Unlike Macross 7 where band of our main hero - a weird champ with difficult but mysterious character, played us some nice Rock music, in Frontier we are back to most cheep, cheesy pop that hurts your ears the moment you hear it. It's so 'sweet' emotional gibberish, where words like: kiss, lover, my heart, baby are tossed against the listener's face like it was a bukkake party with rapist gummy-bears. Absolutely no style, kinds of songs that has no rhythm and you can't remember them even if you try, that's cause they are this cheapest kind of pop you can hear every year at any station, that gets outdated after a month and no one seems to remember it. Amount of pop music and color of "PINK" is sooo intense you simply BEG someone spills a bucket of black paint over your eyes for just a second.

Heroes: They have no characters, and every single one is a huge cliché of stereotype already knew from THOUSANDS of other animes. They are all perfect, beautiful, skillful, good, they have no floods(with minor exceptions) it's like watching a Barbie or Pony movie, in space... Main characters are AGAIN school kids who pilot GIANT ROBOTS and are only one's who can save the Galaxy, before EVIL consumes it. - Read this sentence once more and perform a palm face, now... I command you! So, those kids are basically this obvious scheme, we spend day at school and at night, we get into our huge robots and fight, just to go back to school and pretend like nothing happened or thousands of people haven't died at all. Be ready for tears, not yours, but tears of our protagonists, as they spill them in gallons, mourning any tragedy, starting from stepping on the tiniest grass leaf - what in this ULTRA-politically correct world is seen as act of terrorism. Everyone there is so hot that a cover of a DVD with all of characters displayed might be even mistaken for a hentai-porn. It's literally like a Sope Opera, but with no sense of humor, instead everything is taken seriously, with not even a trace of cynicism or sarcasm - what makes it even worse to watch.

Story... Is there any? A city-spaceship along with whole fleet is attacked one day by an ugly robo-bug enemy that slays humans for no particular reason and so our main hero enlists to become a pilot, so he and his 14-17 year old friends can save universe of hot schoolgirls that happen to be mostly army officers in mini-skirts.

And I wasn't sure if the main man of the series was actually a man at all. At first I tough It was a girl, basically most people there are girls, even if they claim to speak like men, and if not flat chests you would never have guessed. There is no sense no connection between scenes, things happen like in bad action game, where all of the sudden you are suppose to fight other enemies and so cut-scenes along with story are simply an excuse to introduce more "WeirdShit"! Come to think of it... it has more to do with Serious Sam series then with Macross I remember.

So... Let's sum it up shall we? It's just unbearable experience. This anime is a pain to your imagination, and insult to your intellect... unless you are completely brainless. Characters are spoon shallow copies of clichés, of clichés that were made of old clichés: Characters 0/10

Kids saving world in name of ideals, love, stuff like that, also unoriginal idea, that was already made so many times it's absolutely below any grade. Story 1/10

If it was drawn and not pc-made it would have been better. Or at least i would respect it more. Animation 7/10

Music -7/10 !!! MY EARS! MY EARS! AGHHHH!
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