The Outrage (1964)
What were they thinking?
1 March 2010
I am no actor, and I realize scenes are frequently shot out of sequence. But don't the actors have some sort of inkling as to how poor a picture is while they are making it?

I've never been one for "flashback" movies, but this one with several different versions of the flashback is just too much.

There were a couple good pieces of acting, such as when Bloom accused her husband of cowardice, but they were too few to carry the movie. The last 8 to 10 minutes were more like 3 Stooges/Laurel & Hardy slapstick comedy sliding down a waterfall into a pond and spitting water...c'mon!

I did enjoy the scenery around Tucson, and the music was pretty good, also. The rest of it left me scratching my head. This is a movie I had timer-recorded to DVD and did not watch for quite a while since recording it, so it is in my collection. I have real doubts it will ever get another watch by me.

And what's up with the baby? Did the writers just say "Hey, this ought to work for something?"

It's a pity, too, because with de Silva, Newman, Bloom, Robinson...these are actors I really like. They could have made a much better movie.

I rarely give less than 5 stars, but this one only rates 4 from me.

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