The Cold Room (1984 TV Movie)
Flawed but kind of interesting
14 March 2010
This is a somewhat ambitious movie about an adolescent English girl (Amanda Pays) visiting East Germany with her divorced American father (George Segal). The girl (who's kind of an annoying brat to begin with)becomes possessed by the spirit of a previous young female tenant of the house, who during WWII was hiding a Jewish male lover in a "cold room" behind the wall.

People say a lot of bad things about this movie. But considering it was made by the guy that wrote the piece-of-crap script for the piece- of-crap 80's movie "Fatal Attraction", I thought it was OK. It isn't very well-executed, but frankly it's a hell of a lot more ambitious than "Fatal Attraction" (which was basically a crappy re-make of "Play Misty for Me" made to cash in on 80's AIDS hysteria). George Segal is OK as the father. Unfortunately, Amanda Pays, in her first film, is simply not a strong enough actress to do this role very convincingly. (She's a very pretty girl though who later appeared most famously in the Rob Lowe movie "Oxford Blues"). The other actors all seem to be East European, perhaps ones living in Britain or whatever country they actually filmed this in. James Dearden does a pretty bad job of directing this, leaving all kinds of loose ends everywhere. Thank god though he wasn't responsible for the source material (I haven't read the book this was based on, but I'm sure it's far, far better than anything this talentless Hollywood hack could have come up with).

At times this seems almost like a children's movie. But then it also contains scenes like where the possessed protagonist has a fever dream where she experiences her forbear's experience of being raped by her father--and then she falsely tells the East German authorities SHE was raped by her own father! (Luckily a doctor inspects her and it turns out ghosts can't rupture hymens). I think if they took a few scenes like this out, this could be kind of a decent high-school horror companion piece to "The Diary of Ann Frank". As it is, it's a very flawed film, but a kind of interesting one.
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